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The OM for Success Program has Three Parts

The 30-Day intensive challenge is to show you how easy it is to add a daily meditation proctice to yur life. It is Only 10-15 Minutes a Day. This will prepare you understand the basic terms used in our advanced programs, find your ideal meditation style, and make daily meditation an easy and integrated part of your life. Understanding your primary Wu Shen element will help you know where you need to focus most to get healthy, stay healthy, live healthy, be happy, and grow spiritually. Only this way can past traumas be healed. Can gratitude and forgiveness be a part of your daily life.

The second step is a basic Webinar that can be taken after the 30-day challenge to go deeper into the concepts presented in the 30-day challenge.

The third step is a 6-week Master Class that will help solidify your main physical element of the five so that you know how to stay healthy and introduce tools you can use at home to facilitate living your best life.

This Program is FREE

This program is presented by Dr. Beverly Lawrence, sponsored by the Dancing Bear Enlightenment Academy. The intention of this program is to help you understand the significance and importance of daily meditation to support your health, how you live, your mental and emotional well being, as well as your spiritual growth. These concepts are not separate, but all go together. If you are not healthy then living healthy is impossible and emotions are affected as is your mental health, and so it goes. Every aspect of these concepts are interrelated. Harmony is needed and it is through meditation that this is accomplished.